
Iteawon, small globe

Today’s attraction is in the Itaewon.
It is mostly known for foreigners’ area in Korea.

However, Itaewon transferred to “HOT”place in Seoul.
They have many trendy places such as restaurant, café and bar.

To be specific, there are so many exotic places that only Itaewon has.
You can find almost any kinds of world-wide food at there.

Hamburger, pasta, Chinese noodle, kebab and even real Indian curry is available here.
So, for those who are looking for totally new kinds of food should visit Itaewon.
Any kinds of international places would capture your mind.

The first place that I would recommend is Suji’s.
It’s the restaurant for all day brunch.

As there are so many people at weekend,
You’d better reserve for the seat or visit here at weekdays.

Itaewon also has unique cafes and
Standing Coffee is also one of the different café with any other places.

They have only three tables and no single chair.
You have to enjoy coffee while standing.

It sounds little wired, but you may feel more freedom
with the huge size of coffee.

You can trust the taste of coffee that
it already became famous among many foreigners.

Lastly, I want to introduce hamburger restaurant.
It is called as Jacoby’s burger.

This place once broadcasted on television for the biggest hamburger in Korea.

If you looking for the real American hamburger without calories,
This place is the perfect place for you.

You can make your own burger by choosing from bread to sauce.

So far, I introduced various kinds of eating places.
Of course, they has a lot more than restaurants such as shopping places or parks.

You should explore Iteawon to find more attractions!
And here is simple map for you to visit!

Insa-dong/Samchung dong, old treasure of Korea

Have you been to Insa-dong or Samchung dong?

It is Seoul’s number one tourist sites both for Korean and foreigner
so, I’m sure that many of you went there before.
However, today, I want to show new way to enjoy those two places in my direction.

First, I would start with Insa-dong.
As you know, their atmosphere is quite traditional that
every signboard on the streets marked in Korean.
                           So, you can see different sign of Starbucks Korea in Korean here.

Along the little stores which sells small souvenirs like Korean traditional goods,
You can easily find 쌈지길.

With the cute cartoon character, there are also small stores that you can shop.
Even if you don’t need to buy anything, just look around the stores would be fun.

After finishing touring Insa-dong,
let’s move on to the Sanchung-dong now.

Recently, Samchung-dong is very popular that has
many new restaurants and cafes around there.

If you feel bored of Insa-dong, Samchung-dong would gives you more fun than ever.

Walking Samchung-dong is just so refreshing and interesting.
You can easily find little snack store on the street which sells 호떡, 떡볶이, 식혜..

I think those who are foreigner should try those Korean snacks!
It would be wonderful experience to know Korea’s culture.

As Samchung-dong has dozens of famous restaurants and cafes,
I would recommend Korean restaurant which called 눈나무집.

This place is famous for 떡갈비, noddle with Kimchi.
However, the portion is a little small so you may order three plate for two people.

Here is some video’s that shows Insa-dong and samchung-dong!


Hongik University, the freedom of youth

When you think of Hongik University, what can you think of?
The energy and passion from students?
Yes, Hongik university has many interesting places that has unique atmosphere.
So, I recommend you to visit some famous places in Hongdae to explore new world!

First, sang-sang ma dang(상상마당) is very good place to start.
This artistically designed building mostly work as gallery and auditorium.
The unique thing about here is you can find brand-new artists' work.

Especially those who are interested in art would love here.
Also, they sell designed stationary in reasonable price so it work as great gift as well.

After exploring the rising artists' work, you may feel hungry.
There is absolutely great Korean restaurant right across the street.
It is called 나물먹는곰 in Korean.

Many people refer Korean food as traditional image with healthy ingredients.
However, you will be surprised by the restaurant's interior design.
It is modern and stylish so everyone would love it.

The most famous menu is Bibimbab.
You can choose between hot paper paste and soy sauce.
They have a wide selection of wine and if you order Bibimbab at lunch,
You can enjoy full meal in a reduced cost.

After finishing your meal,
I recommend you to walk around Hongdae playground.

This playground use in a variety of purpose that many students sell goods
such as hand-made accessories, t-shirts, stationeries and so on.

Also, at night, you can listen music from the music band.

For the last course, you can enjoy coffee or beer at café Aa.
This cafe is run by furniture designer that has exotic decorations.

Especially, Aa’s raspberry cupcake is absolutely gorgeous!

I made the Hongdea tour course with my favorite places.
If you have foreigner friends,
they would fall in love with Korea after visiting these wonderful places.

And here is recipe for Bibimbab in case you want to try to make your own Bibimbab!



There are so many attractive tourist place in Seoul.
So, I want to introduce all those
great restaurant, park, art gallary and shopping place through this blog!
